Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Update and Coming Attractions

Starting November 9th after I return from the Bahamas [my vacation] I'll be blogging about television shows, movies and music that I like, be looking forward to that.

RONIN WARRIORS UPDATE: Expect the new episode on my continuations website to air tomorrow. I'm gonna speed up my efforts to finish editing the episode. I've stalled long enough. lol The website is at

As for coming attractions, Star Trek: Wesley will begin early 2012. As well as Star Trek: the Chekov Chronicles.  It'll give me more time to prepare for each episodes. They will be at this website:   Also, don't forget Jason's Star Trek website:

That'll go for the Buffy and Angel continuations coming too. It will begin in 2012. Expect excitement and adventures for what's to come!! The link is here at:

I will also to try writing Voltron Force fan fics as well. I had an interesting saga I planned out. I could plan a whole new story before I even try to work on my saga.

Here's a Voltron Force fan fic I have complete and you can enjoy:   and another I have yet to complete, but I don't know where I'm gonna go with this.

Here's what I had in mind with this planned out Voltron fan fic: Something happens where Keith ends up thinking he's in a mental institution, something like that.

Well, that's all for now.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

First Blog of the website

Hello. In this blog you will know my favorite songs, movies and TV shows I like and of course, you'll follow all my fanfics.

I also love role playing. Another fun fact. lol Here is the link for my Ronin Warriors continuations.

I have a website for my Buffyverse spin off series and I'll have here soon.